Hey Gang,

I don't have kids, but I've noticed that for those of you who do, you will always see them as kids, no matter how old they get.  I got a taste of that this morning from my own mother.

I was playing Candy Crush this morning and was one block away from clearing a level I'd been stuck on for about a month.  I had 10 moves left and the game board was close to being shuffled.  Only one move was available and it was on the other side of the board from where I needed it to be.  I was rooting for a shuffle, but I kept getting one move after another on the other side of the board.  I got so pissed I almost tossed my phone in anger.  Then it hit me that this was ridiculous. I mean, is there not enough B.S. and stress in ones life with out the help of an App that has no point, and even worse, no end?  I sent a nice FU note to Candy Crush and it's creator.  The only problem, I used a word my Mother doesn't like.  She chastised me for lack of vocabulary and told me it was my own fault for playing in the first place.  True on all aspects, but damn Mom, call me next time, for now I'm taking all kinds of grief at work.  I'm 46 and am getting made fun of because my Mom yelled at me on facebook.  "Dude! She went all CAPS on your ass."

Sorry Mom,

Signed, Forever a Child, your Son

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