Customers at a North Carolina bagel shop surprised one of the workers there with a much needed Christmas present.

47 year old Shirley Ratliff takes three buses to her job opening the shop at 5 am every day. She has tried to save money for a car, but always needs the money for some unexpected expense.

Shirley was diagnosed with cervical cancer a few years ago. Friends would drive her to and from her treatments.  At Thanksgiving, she was in the hospital because of complications from diabetes.

Once she got better Shirley was back at work.  Thanks to the bus.

Well Shirley no longer has to hop on the bus, customers at Bruegger's Bagels bought her a car!




A group of loyal customers who call themselves "Shirley's Fan Club", gave Shirley a 1992 Buick LeSabre.  It has 88,000 miles on it, but what the heck it is new to Shirley.

David Burton, a dentist and a regular Bruegger's customer, presented Ratliff with the car and a gasoline gift card as she finished her shift.  Burton, bought the car for $1,500 from a co-worker, then collected money from fellow customers. They gave him more than enough to cover the cost of the vehicle. Some members of her "fan club" said they plan to help her find an affordable auto insurance policy.

Now all Shirley has to do is get her Driver's License!



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