We featured Ronald Kent Lavoie on today's show-- You might remember him by his professional name, Lobo. (Lobo means "wolf" in spanish.)  He was born Tallahassee, Florida in 1943...

His first chart hit came in 1971 with a song he had written named "Me and You and a Dog Named Boo," about a young man and his girlfriend traveling around with everything they owned in their car, along with a dog-- named Boo.  My wife Sue and I were moving from New Jersey to Texas when that song was a hit, and we remember how well that song fit our situation-- coming to Fort Hood with everything we owned in a VW Beetle, but with no dog; although we did have a one year old daughter traveling with us.

Lobo's biggest hit came a year later, in 1972, "I'd want You to want Me;" and this  was the song I featured today on Morning Show Music Trivia.

Tomorrow, more drivel and tripe-- and great music, of course!

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